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Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Reciprocity Application
IOCI 20-199
EMS Reciprocity Application Instructions
PLEASE NOTE: If you have been trained by an emergency medical services (EMS) system in Illinois and have taken the National
Registry exam, you do not need to apply for reciprocity. The EMS system coordinator for the system where you were trained needs
to submit the necessary documentation to the attention of the Licensure Section at the address below. Reciprocity is only for those
who have not received training in Illinois.
In order to obtain Illinois reciprocity:
1. Complete Part I of the EMS Reciprocity Application. Leave Part II blank.
2. Attach photocopies of your NREMT wallet card if you currently hold one, as well as your State EMS license. Include a copy of
your current American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) verification. If you hold
PALS, ACLS Instructor, or BLS, please include copies.
3. Provide a signed and dated letter from the EMS medical director, indicating that you are in good standing and up-to-date
with continuing education hours in the state in which you practice. If you cannot obtain a letter of recommendation, you will
need to request a waiver of this requirement as described in item 4.
4. If you have not functioned as an EMT, paramedic, or EMD under the direction of an EMS medical director, include a letter
(signed and dated by you) stating you have never worked as an EMT, paramedic, or EMD under an EMS medical director and
request that the letter of recommendation be waived. Also, if you are requesting a waiver, and have held your license/
certification more than six (6) months, you will need to provide photocopies of all continuing education you have completed
during your current license/certification period.
5. Applicants seeking reciprocity from an "out of state" license should renew the "out of state" license if it is within 60 days of
expiration prior to seeking reciprocity through IDPH.
6. Complete Part III and Part IV of the application. This information is required. Application will not be processed if incomplete
and/or requested documents are not provided. Other applicable forms are available at
Send the application, additional required documents as described in the application, and payment (Reciprocity Application fee +
Licensure fee) in the form of a cashier’s check or money order only, payable to IDPH. Select the appropriate amount based on the
license type:
Illinois Department of Public Health
Division of Emergency Medical Services and Highway Safety
Attention: Reciprocity
422 South Fifth Street, Third Floor
Springfield, IL 62701
An Illinois license will be mailed to you after verification that you have met all the requirements for licensure. You will receive an e-mail
from IDPH informing you of your license being approved and the date it will be mailed out. This e-mail will also advise you to contact
us when your license comes up for renewal.
Once you have been issued an Illinois license you must adhere to Section 515.590 EMS Personnel License Renewals, of the
Illinois Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Center Code (77 III. Adm. Code 515.590).
If you have any questions, please call 217-785-2080, or send an e-mail to: [email protected]
LICENSURE FEE $45 $45 $60 $30
GRAND TOTAL $95 $95 $110 $80
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Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Reciprocity Application
IOCI 20-199
Part I: This section is to be completed by the applicant.
Use your legal name
First Name
Middle Name Last Name
Address City State ZIP Code
Phone E-mail Date of Birth Social Security Number
Driver's License Number
EMS/NREMT License Number
Issuing State/Agency
Level of EMS license requested for reciprocity
EMT- Basic A-EMT / EMT-1 Paramedic
Part II: To be completed by the Emergency Medical Services Licensing Agency
The above named emergency medical technician, paramedic, or EMD has applied for an Illinois license through reciprocity based upon
licensure from your state. Please verify or correct the above information and provide answers for the following questions.
Has the above named applicant had any disciplinary action against their license in your state?
Yes (provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper and attach) No
Has the course of instruction met or exceeded National EMS education standards?
Yes No (provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper and attach)
Is there any known reason why licensure in Illinois should be denied?
Yes (provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper and attach) No
The above named applicant currently possesses an EMS license/certificate issued from our office as:
EMT- Basic A-EMT / EMT-1 Paramedic
Number of continuing medical education hours required for renewal in your state (list hours):
Number of years that license is issued for:
EMS/NREMT License Number: Issue Date: Expiration Date:
Person Completing Part II
Name: Signature:
Title: Phone: Date:
Return to: IL Dept of Public Health / EMS
FAX: 217-557-3481 -OR- E-MAIL: [email protected]
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Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Reciprocity Application
IOCI 20-199
Part III: Child Support Declaration
Under Illinois law, you must select one of the following choices regarding child support and sign the declaration. IDPH will be
unable to process your application until a completed statement is provided. This information is required of ALL applicants,
regardless of whether the applicant has ever been ordered to pay child support. If issues of court-ordered child support do not apply
to you, check the third statement: "I do not have to pay child support." Making a false statement shall subject the applicant to
contempt of court [5 ICLS 100/10-65(c)].
Part IV: Personal History Information
Under Illinois law, you must select one of the following choices regarding felony charges and sign the declaration. IDPH will be
unable to process your application until this information is provided.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Yes No
If yes, provide an explanation of the nature of the offense. An additional fee and authorization for release of information must be
submitted to IDPH to obtain a criminal history report.
Have you ever had disciplinary action brought against your EMS license?
Yes No
If yes, provide an explanation of the circumstances for the action.
Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined the application and all supporting documents submitted by me in
connection herewith, and to the best of my knowledge, they are true, correct and complete. Failure to certify shall result in the
denial of the request for reciprocity.
Signature: Date:
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Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Reciprocity Application
IOCI 20-199
Re-licensure Process for Illinois Reciprocity Recipients
Please note that your initial EMS license may not be valid for a full four years. The expiration/lapse date should coincide with your
National Registry certification or other state license submitted to obtain Illinois reciprocity. When your Illinois license is due to expire,
you will need to renew your license and not reapply for reciprocity.
Minimum Illinois hours of education required in a four year period for Paramedic, A-EMT / EMT-I, EMT-Basic, and EMD are:
Paramedic = 100 hrs.
A-EMT / EMT-I = 80 hrs.
EMT-Basic = 60 hrs.
EMD = 48 hrs.
When you renew your license for the first time after reciprocity, the number of hours needed for renewal is
prorated to the amount of time you held your initial Illinois license. Below is a sample chart.
NOTE: If you are working under an EMS System at the time of renewal, their minimum hours of
required continuing education may be higher than the minimum required by the State of Illinois.
Months of
Hours of
3 6.250
6 12.50
9 18.75
12 25.00
15 31.25
18 37.50
21 43.75
24 50.00
27 56.25
30 62.50
33 68.75
36 75.00
39 81.25
42 87.50
45 93.75
48 100.00
Months of
Hours of
3 5.0
6 10.0
9 15.0
12 20.0
15 25.0
18 30.0
21 35.0
24 40.0
27 45.0
30 50.0
33 55.0
36 60.0
39 65.0
42 70.0
45 75.0
48 80.0
Months of
Hours of
3 3.75
6 7.50
9 11.25
12 15.00
15 18.75
18 22.50
21 26.25
24 30.00
27 33.75
30 37.50
33 41.25
36 45.00
39 48.75
42 52.50
45 56.25
48 60.00
Months of
Hours of
3 3
6 6
9 9
12 12
15 15
18 18
21 21
24 24
27 27
30 30
33 33
36 36
39 39
42 42
45 45
48 48
Renewal of your Illinois EMS license is processed through your Illinois EMS System resource hospital if you function with an EMS
provider. If you are not practicing in Illinois with an EMS System at the time of your renewal, you will need to apply for an
independent renewal through the Illinois Department of Public Health, Division of EMS and Highway Safety.